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Diocese of Derby's Vision - 'Christ's presence in every community'. 

     Diocese of Deby logo

Growing: In spiritual depth, in numbers and impact on the communities of DerbyshireThe ministry of this Team is cical churchmanship.
Outward Facing: Serving the communities of Derbyshire, engaging in the world and building links with the Worrd Church.
Learning: Developing Christian, supporting schools and fostering vocations to ministry.
Healthy: With collaborative leadership; and with structures of governance and financial management fit for purpose and reflecting best practice.

North Wingfield Team's Vision

The ministry of this Team is committed to consistent, ongoing Bible teaching and openness to the work of the Holy Spirit. North Wingfield Team Ministry is part of the Church of England. It is a team of five churches of similar evangelical churchmanship.

Team Mission Action Plan

We are committed to working together as a clergy team and a team of churches. As clergy we are also committed to encouraging and developing our ministries together - wanting to relate to each other as people as well as professionals. We understand that some aspects of ministry are best done within a community by the local church and some aspects are best done as a team. We actively seek opportunities to work together.


